Cloud Enterprise Object Storage REST API

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Get Local VDC

GET /object/vdcs/vdc/local

Gets the details for the local VDC.

Required Roles

Requires one of the following roles:





The following conditions must be met in order to call this operation.

  • Local VDC must exist

Response Body

Local VDC information configured in system

Field Description Type Notes
vdcId VDC id String
vdcName VDC name String
interVdcEndPoints VDC end points String
interVdcCmdEndPoints VDC cmd end points String
secretKeys Secret key for this VDC String
permanentlyFailed True of vdc is permanently failed, false otherwise. Boolean
local True of this vdc is local, false otherwise Boolean
is_encryption_enabled True of this vdc is enabled for encryption, false otherwise Boolean
managementEndPoints The management end points for the VDC String
hosted Boolean
name Name assigned to this resource in ECS. The resource name is set by a user and can be changed at any time. It is not a unique identifier. String
id Identifier that is generated by ECS when the resource is created. The resource Id is guaranteed to be unique and immutable across all virtual data centers for all time. URI Valid Values:
  •  urn:storageos:resource-type:UUID:
link Hyperlink to the details for this resource
creation_time Timestamp that shows when this resource was created in ECS DateTime Valid Values:
  •  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
  •  Unix timestamp
inactive Indicates whether the resource is inactive. When a user removes a resource, the resource is put in this state before it is removed from the ECS database. Boolean Valid Values:
  •  true
  •  false
global Indicates whether the resource is global. Boolean Valid Values:
  •  true
  •  false
remote Indicates whether the resource is remote. Boolean Valid Values:
  •  true
  •  false
id ECS Id of the related object URI
link Hyperlink to the related object
internal Indicated whether the resource is an internal resource Boolean Valid Values:
  •  true
  •  false



Content-Type: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <link rel="self" href="/object/vdcs/vdc/vdc1"/>