Retrieves The CORS configuration for the bucket.
Host Style:
Path Style:
x-amz-date | optional | The timestamp of the request added by the requester. Example: Tue, 03 Sept 2013 12:00:00 GMT. If the Authorization header is specified, you must specify either the x-amz-date or the Date header. If both the headers are specified, the value of x-amz-date header is chosen. |
Authorization | required | Information needed to authenticate requests. |
The following conditions must be met in order to call this operation.
Only the owner of the bucket or a user having permission can retrieve the CORS configuration for the bucket.
BaseUrl used in a host-style request URL should be pre-configured using the ECS Management API or the ECS Portal (for example, in the URL:
Namespace corresponding to this bucket should exist (for example, ns1).
Field | Description | Type | Notes |
CORSConfiguration | |||
CORSRule |
0-* Elements |
AllowedMethod | An HTTP method that the origin is allowed to use. Each CORS rule consists of at least one origin and one method | String |
0-* Elements Valid Values:
AllowedOrigin | An Origin, from where cross-domain requests are allowed | String |
0-* Elements Valid Values:
AllowedHeader | Specifies the allowed headers in a pre-flight OPTIONS request via the Access-Control-Request-Headers header. Each header specified in Access-Control-Request-Headers must match an AllowedHeader element | String |
0-* Elements Valid Values:
MaxAgeSeconds | The amount of time in seconds that a browser can cache a pre-flight response for a specific resource. A rule can contain at most one MaxAgeSeconds element | String |
Valid Values:
ExposeHeader | A header in the response that a customer can access from their application | String |
0-* Elements |
ID | The rule's unique identifier | String |
Valid Values: