Cloud Enterprise Object Storage REST API

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Changes to Create Local User Info

Creates local users for the VDC. These users can be assigned to VDC-wide management roles and are not associated with a namespace. User account can be assigned to the System Admin role by setting the isSystemAdmin flag in the request payload.

Request Payload Changes

Field Description Type Notes
<userId> Management user id String
<password> Password for the management user String
<isSystemAdmin> If set to true, assigns the management user to the System Admin role Boolean
<isSystemMonitor> If set to true, assigns the management user to the System Monitor role Boolean
<isSecurityAdmin> If set to true, assigns the management user to the Security Admin role Boolean
<is_external_group> If set to true, its a domain. Boolean

Response Payload Changes

Field Description Type Notes
<userId> User Id String
<isSystemAdmin> Flag indicating whether management user is System Admin Boolean
<isSystemMonitor> Flag indicating whether management user is System Monitor Boolean
<isSecurityAdmin> Flag indicating whether management user is Security Admin Boolean
<is_external_group> If set to true, its a domain. Boolean
<is_locked> If set to true, the user is locked. Boolean
<last_time_password_changed> Value of last time password changed String