Cloud Enterprise Object Storage REST API

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Set Bucket Audit Delete Expiration

PUT /object/bucket/{bucketName}/auditDeleteExpiration

Updates the audit delete expiration for the specified bucket.

When a Centera C-Clip is deleted, a metadata record known as a "reflection" is left behind to audit the deletion of the C-Clip. By default, the reflections are retained indefinitely, but this continues to consume metadata space on ECS. Setting the bucket audit delete expiration will cause the reflections to get automatically deleted after the specified period.

Audit delete expiration values and their corresponding meaning:

  • If expiration is not set OR is set to -1 OR is set to -2, the reflections are retained infinitely.

  • If expiration is set to 0, the reflections will be deleted immediately and will not be retained.

bucketNameName of the bucket for which audit delete expiration will be updated

Query Parameters

namespaceNamespace associated. If it is null, then current user's namespace is used.
expirationBucket's audit delete expiration in seconds

Required Roles

This call has no restrictions.

Request Payload

No Request Payload

Response Body

Response indicating Success or Failure of the operation