Cloud Enterprise Object Storage REST API

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Get Alert Policy Metadata

GET /vdc/alertpolicy/metadata

Returns information about currently supported metrics, their supported statistics and metric specific restrictions on policy configurations

Required Roles

This call has no restrictions.

Response Body

Indicating success or failure of the alert policy get metadata operation

XML Example


Content-Type: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <MetricType name="Geo Replication Statistics">
    <Metric name="RPO">
      <dataSourceMetadata database="monitoring_last" table="cm_Geo_Replication_Statistics_Replication_Group_Min_RPO" field="RPO_Lag_Millis" vdcResourceName="Replication_Group"
      <msgFormat>RPO for replication group ${resourceName} is ${inspectorValue} greater than ${thresholdValue} threshold set.</msgFormat>
      <minThreshold>3600000<!-- millis - 1 hr --></minThreshold>
      <maxThreshold>36000000<!-- millis - 10 hr --></maxThreshold>
      <minPeriod>600000<!-- millis - 10 mins --></minPeriod>
      <maxPeriod>3600000<!-- millis - 60 mins --></maxPeriod>
  <MetricType name="CAS GC Statistics">
    <Metric name="Journal Parser Lag">
      <msgFormat>Journal parsing speed is slow.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Reference Collection Lag">
      <msgFormat>CAS Processing reference collection speed is slow.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Cleanup Task Lag">
      <msgFormat>CAS Processing object cleanup speed is slow.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="CAS GC Status">
      <msgFormat>CAS Processing is paused.</msgFormat>
  <MetricType name="Garbage Collection Statistics">
    <Metric name="Btree Chunk Level GC">
      <msgFormat>System metadata garbage reclamation throughput is too slow to catch up with garbage detection. Please involve ECS engineering.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Btree Disk Level GC">
      <msgFormat>Capacity free-up throughput is too slow to catch up with system metadata garbage reclamation. Please involve ECS engineering.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Btree Partial GC">
      <msgFormat>Partial GC for system metadata is too slow. Please involve ECS engineering.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Repo Chunk Level GC">
      <msgFormat>System metadata garbage reclamation throughput is too slow to catch up with garbage detection. Please involve ECS engineering.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Repo Disk Level GC">
      <msgFormat>User garbage reclamation throughput is too slow to catch up with garbage detection. Please involve ECS engineering.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Repo Partial GC">
      <msgFormat>Partial GC for user garbage is too slow. Please involve ECS engineering.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="GC Status">
      <msgFormat>Space reclamation for user data / system metadata is disabled. Please make sure it's disabled for temporary purpose, and re-enable it when ready.</msgFormat>
  <MetricType name="Btree Statistics">
    <Metric name="Final Sweep Stage Percentage">
      <msgFormat>FinalSweepStage for DT ${resourceName} is ${inspectorValue}% greater than ${thresholdValue}% threshold set.</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Memory Allocated outside btree write cache">
      <msgFormat>For ${resourceName} process memory of ${inspectorValue} bytes is allocated outside btree write cache</msgFormat>
    <Metric name="Memory Table Free Space Percent">
      <msgFormat>Memory table size for ${resourceName} process is ${inspectorValue}% less than specified threshold of ${thresholdValue}%</msgFormat>